In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O Allah! O the One Who
makes the light Radiant! (Verily) You radiated Yourself through Your
Light (entering the souls of the Faithful). O absolute Light! All lights
are the result of the abundance of Your light. O Allah! O the One Who
controls all! Verily You are honoured because of Your (Divine) Honour. O
the One Who grants honour to the creation! All honours are due to Your
Honour. O Allah! O the owner of limitless greatness! You are Great
through Your own greatness (There is no doubt in it). O greater than all
greats! All greatnesses are owing to Your greatness. O Allah! O the One
Who alone is worthy of worship! O the Bestower! Only You have (truly)
bestowed favours on the creation, and O Favourer Lord! All these favours
are because of Your favour. O Allah! O the owner of real greatness and
grandeur! Only You are the possessor of true greatness and all the
greatnesses of the people of the world are, O the Great!, due to Your
greatness. O Allah! O the possessor of limitless knowledge! The sciences
of all the scholars are but tiny reflections of Your attribute of
omniscience as only Your knowledge is absolute knowledge. O the One Who
is aware (of the wholes and parts). O Allah! O Holy Lord! (Doubtlessly)
You are Holy through Your own holiness and all the holinesses are the
result of Your holiness. O Allah! O the One Who is beautiful through
Your own beauty! You alone is beautiful by Your own virtue of beauty.
All the things beautiful are beautiful only as a consequence of the
reflection of Your beauty. O Allah! O the provider of protection and
salvation! You are the possessor of self-protection and all these
safeties are as a result of Your virtue of safety. O Allah! O the One
Who is patient and Who makes delay in punishing the sinners! You alone
are truly patient and all these instances of patience are the
reflections of Your patience. O Allah! O the owner of the kingdom of the
entire creation! Only in Your hands is the real reins of kingdom and all
the kingdoms have been granted only by You. O Allah! O the sustainer of
the entire universe! Only You are the Sustainer because of Your own
virtue of Lordship. All nourishments are due to Your nourishment. O
Allah! O the One Who favours limitlessly! You alone deserve the
showering of favours. All the favours shown by the creation are only the
consequence of Your favours. O Allah! O the Wise! All of your
commandments are full of wisdom. Every one of Your actions are sound
through wisdom. All wisdoms are owing to Your wisdom. O Absolute
Intelligence! O Allah! O the One Who is worthy of all praise! You are
praiseworthy due to Your personal virtues and all the laudations are due
to Your praiseworthiness. O the Entire Praise! O Allah! O the One Who
has no partner! You alone, due to Your virtue of being one, the only
ruler of the entire creation. No doubt, every uniqueness is nothing
compared to Your attribute of being Only One God. O Allah! O the Unique.
One Who has no likeliness. Verily, You remained the only One due to Your
unity and the uniquenesses of all the creation are the samples of Your
uniqueness. O the One and the Unique! O the Forbearer! Only You are the
forebearer because of your virtue of forbearance and all the good
behaviors are because of Your virtue of forbearance. O the One Who is
more patient than all patients! O Allah! O the possessor of unlimited
power! You are Absolute Power only because of Your attribute of
Omnipotence. All powers and freedoms are the fruits of Your strength. O
Absolute Power! O Allah! O the One Who is Everlasting! You are ancient
and eternal because of your attribute of being eternal. All lastings are
because of your eternity. O Allah! O the Testifier (of the prophet hood
of Muhammed)! Verily You are unique in Your attribute of testifying and
the witness, being Your witness, is above all witnesses. O the
Testifier! O Allah! O the One Who is near! O the One Who is nearer than
the jugular vein! You are near due to the virtue of being near and every
nearness is because of your nearness. O Allah! O the One Who is ever
helping in every circumstance! You help by the virtue of being the
Helper. All helps are due to Your help. O the Best Helper! O Allah! O
the One Who is hidden behind the veil of Oneness! And O the One Who
hides the errors of sinners in the veil of Your Mercy! You are the Hider
by virtue of being the hider and all hidings (like the hiding of the
Qaem-e-Aal-e-Muhammad Imam Mehdi a.t.f.s.) are the examples of your
veiling. O the Veiler! O Allah! O the One Who frowns upon the
unbelievers and the hypocrites! You are the suppressor by virtue of Your
being the crusher. All pressures and suppressions are becoming only to
You. O Allah! O the One Who gives sustenance to the entire creation! You
are the Sustainer by virtue of Your being the nourisher and all the
nourishings are the samples of Your nourishment. O the giver of
provision! O the Creator! You, by virtue of being the creator came into
being to be the real creator of all, and all the created things are (in
the matter of procreation) subservient to Your command. O Creator! O
Allah! O the One Who resolves all problems to grant success by easing
all hardships! You alone are the real Opener of the doors to success.
There is no doubt that all the successes achieved by the creation are
the result of the intelligence granted by You. O the Opener! O Allah! O
the One Who is High by virtue of Your Height. 0 Allah! O the One Who is
higher than all highs! O Allah! O the Unique Protector! You alone are
protected through Your own Protection and all protections are under Your
protection. O Protector! O Allah! O the owner of self-perfection! Verily
You are perfect by Yourself and the perfections and excellences of the
creations are through Your excellence and perfection. O the Perfect and
the excellent! O Allah! O the keeper and maintainer of the relation of
love and affection! You Yourself have taught love and all these
intimacies are the result of Your teaching. They are also for meeting
You. O the Best gatherer! O the One Who does at will! Whatever You have
done has been done by Your absolute will, and real authority and will is
only Your authority and will and all authorities are the gifts of Your
authority. O the One Who does whatever You want! O Allah! O the One Who
has created this universe with measure and the real measure is only Your
measure. All measures and plannings are grace of Your planning. O the
Measurer! O Allah! O the Forgiver of all big and small sins! It is only
You Who forgives due to Your attribute of pardoning. As for the
pardonings and forgiveness’s of the creation, they are mere reflections
of Your forgiveness. O Pardoner! O Allah! O the One Who joins the broken
hearts and the dilapidated bones! In fact, such power is possessed only
by You, and the joining and gatgering by the creations is but due to
Your attribute of imposing Your Will. O Omnipotent! O Allah! O the One
Who hears the voice of the weak and the ill (steps of an ant)! You hear
by virtue of Your All-Hearingness. The hearing and answering of the
creation is merely due to Your hearing and responding. O Allah! O the
biggest Merciful and Beneficent! Only You are the owner of true
greatness and all these greatnesses are existing and continuing only
because of Your greatness. O the Greatest of all greats! O Allah! O the
One Who causes the rivers of kindness flow! (really generosity is only
Your generosity) and all these generosities of the people are only the
leftovers of only Your table of generosity. O Allah! O the One Who
pities every one of Your sinful slaves! Verily You are kind and merciful
only on the basis of Your attribute of pity and sympathy. All kindnesses
are because of Your kindness and pitifulness. O Centre of Mercy! O
Allah! O the Owner of great Highness! (Reality is that) it is only Your
height where even the bird of imagination cannot reach and the heights
of these low ranking slaves are merely Your gifts. O the Hearer of the
cry of the inflicted! O Lord! O Merciful! O Beneficent! O Ever living! O
the One Who is lenient in punishing! O Dominant over all O the One Who
makes hearts radiant! O the One besides Whom there is no deity! I have
also relied only on You, that is, on the Lord of the Great Throne. All
praise is for the limitlessly forgiving God. We hallow only HIS Name Who
is extremely Great. We hallow only Him Who shows patience and mercy in
giving punishment. We hallow Him Who sees each and every deed done by
us. We hallow Him Who has no partner and Who will save us from hell. We
hallow Him Who protects the whole world. We hallow Him Who is Kind. We
hallow Him Who will forgive us. We hallow Him Who is older than oldness
(ancientness). We hallow Him Who is the owner of honour and power. We
hallow Him Whose existence is manifest to all We hallow Him Who cures
the ill (gives health). We hallow Him Who is sufficient for us all. We
hallow Him Who provides safety to us. We hallow Him Who makes us
Faithful. We hallow Him Who shelters us. We hallow Him Who the best
designer of faces. We hallow Him Who helps us. We hallow Him Who is
absolutely unique. We hallow Him Who is like only Him (no one is like
Him). We hallow Him Who showers mercy. We hallow Him Who holds us back
from evils. We hallow Him Who leads us toward good. We hallow Him Who
causes harm. We hallow Him Who grants light. We hallow Him Who is
absolute Guidance. We hallow Him Who is the Master of destiny. We hallow
Him Who is the Greatest. We hallow Him Who is High. We hallow Him Who
watches the whole world. We hallow Him Who is Holy. His is the holy
existence. All praise is for Allah. None besides Him is worthy of
worship. So only Allah is the greatest of all. What is reality is that
no one except the only One Allah has any power. Only He is High and
Great. We hallow Him Who carries out His acts with His perfect power and
Who imposes His command, with His particular strength. We hallow him and
praise Him Who is the master and owner of the high Throne. Awe, Power,
Greatness and Pomp becomes only Him. We hallow only Him Who is really
the absolute Ruler Sovereign. We hallow only Him Who is the Lord of
every thing existing. We hallow only Him Who is Ever-living and the
Wise. We hallow the only one Lord and rely on Him Who has no death at
all. Only He deserves all praise and hallowing and He is Holy. He is the
nourisher of all angels and the Trustworthy Gabriel (Jibraeel). There
will never be any deity except Him. He is totally unique and only one.
HE has no partner. Entire kingdom is for Him alone. All praise is proven
for Him. He dominates everything. O Allah! O Beneficent! O Merciful! O
Everliving! O Everlasting! O the possessor of grace and mercy! O Light
of the heavens and the earth Who makes them bright! O the Being Who
alone is the Merciful Lord! We have trusted only You. You alone are the
nourisher of the Great Throne. O Allah! We seek intercession of Your
Honour and Greatness. Forgive us just in the name of these holy names of
Yours. Keep all troubles and all calamities and anxieties and sorrows
and all hardships away from us. O My Nourisher! Protect my family
members (for the sake of Muhammad and his progeny) from all evils
because, in all of my affairs I have relied only on You. O Allah! Shower
safety and bounty on Your best creation, that is, Muhammed and his
progeny, and on their pious offsprings, for the sake of Your perfect
Mercy, O Allah! O Merciful! O Beneficent!
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