Monday 18 July 2016

Dua-e-Amaan / Hifz

Dua-e-Amaan /  Hifz
This Dua is very helpful for a person who recites it daily between Maghrib and Isha Prayers.(for Safety and Protection)
A person in his dream saw the Holy Prophet of Islam, very sad and the person ask him the reason of sadness and he said: that during Mehraj he saw many believers being led towards hell and the reason was Iman. His umma was very weak in their Iman and He recommended this Dua for protection of his umma and it will help them in the world, after death and also in the Barzak (resurrection). This Dua is recommended by the Prophet.   PUT YOUR TRUST IN ALLAH. ALLAH IS A SUFFICIENT PROTECTOR

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O Allah, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ

My God, Thy protection, Thy protection: on the day when they can neither delay (the event) by a single moment, nor can they hasten it (death).
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : at the time of the parting of the soul from the body and in the presence of death.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : at the time of the narration (of our sins) and at the time of our tarrying in front of Thee.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : from the dread of Doom and its severity.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : When mankind shall swarn like moths (resurrection of mankind).
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : On the day when mankind shall stand before Thee, Lord of the worlds.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when some faces will be bright and some faces will be black.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : When man will flee from his brother, and his mother and his father, and his wife, and his children; for everyone of them they shall be in such anxiety for his own self as will make him oblivious of all other things.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when the angles and the spirit shall stand to order, lined up, and none shall be able to speak, except those whom the All-merciful shall permit, and they shall say only what is proper.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when man shall see what his hands have sent before him, and the disbeliever shall say, “Would that I were dust.”
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day, the duration whereof is equal to fifty thousand years.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when the sinner would wish that he could reason himself from the torment of that day by substituting for himself his son, or wife, or brother, or the kindred with whom he passed his life or all the inhabitants of the earth put together, and thus save himself, But no! Verily it is a flaming fire, and it will scorch the skin.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when the earth quake will shake the earth, and its sequel (another earthquake) shall follow it. Hearts on that day shall palpitate, and eyes shall be down caste.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when the angels shall say : “There is no good news today for the sinners” And “Be gone, away with you”
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when the wrongdoer shall bite his own hands and say “ Ah! Would that I had chosen a way of life with the prophet; also for me! Ah ! Would that I had not taken so and so for a friend.
My God, Thy protection, Thy protection : on the day when neither wealth nor sons shall avail any man, except one who comes to God with a pure man, except one who comes to God with a pure heart by Thy mercy, O most Merciful of all.
There is no god except Allah, who is present at all times.
There is no god except Allah, who is worshipped in every place.
There is no god except Allah, who is known by His Kindness.
There is no god except ALLAH.
Thy protection, Thy protection, O Eternally Good,
O Anciently Kind, O Guide of those who go astray.
Thee (alone we worship, and Thee (alone) we ask fo help.
O Forgiver, O All (forgiving).
By Thy mercy, O Most Merciful of all;
Bless Mohammed and his progeny, all of them.