Monday 25 July 2016

Spiritual healings by Late Ayatullah Bahjat rh.

Spiritual healings by Late Ayatullah Bahjat rh.
Duas from Ayatullah BEHJAT's diary;
compiled by Maulana Zaki Baqri
For acceptance of the wishes:
1.         One should be clean and with Wudu, start with the praises, pay       tribute, glorifications and  acknowledgment of His favors.
2.         Confess sins and being shameful of what has been done which is the status close to the status of Taubah repentance.
3.         Seek blessing on Mohammad and his progeny (s.s) who are the source and resource of abundance of Allah.
4.         Crying and reaching to the status of meekness.
5.         After this invocation Duas should be done with the certainty  that Allah will grant the wishes.  (if this is done in the prostration  status of Sajdah it is much better)
For seeking cure for the sick:
While seeking medical help one should use Zamzam water, and Khake Shifa, giving alms again and again even it could be nominal.
To find something/ someone that is lost:
Constant reciting:       أصْبَحْتُ في أمانِ اللهِ. أمْسَيْتُ في جِوارِ اللهِ
 (Asbahtu Fi Amanillah, Wa Amsaytu Fi Jawarillah)
Being secure with Allah(s.w.t), I started a day I shall make my night by being in His company.
For increase in sustenance:
At the beginning and at the end recite lots of Salawat on Mohammad and His Progeny (s.s) recite:
  اللَّهُمَّ اَغْنِنِی بِحَلالِکَ عَنْ حَرَامِکَ وَ بِفَضْلِکَ عَمَّنْ سِوَاکَ
(Allahumma Aghnini Bihalalika `An Haramika Wa Bi Fadhlika `Amman Siwaka)
O Allah through Your Halal (pure) things make me free from Haram (Forbidden), with Your  Bounty make myself away from other than You.
 To control anger:
With complete faith one should recite constantly Salawat:  اللھم صل علٰیٰ محمد و آل محمد
To be away from pride:
One has to recite more and more: لاَحَولَ وَلاَ قُوَّۃَ اِلاَّ بِاللہِ العَلیِّ العَظِیم
(La Hawla Wala Quwata illa Billahil Aliyil Adheem)
There is no power no strength but the Power and the Strength belongs to Allah (s.w.t))

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