Friday 12 August 2016

Duas from Ayatullah BEHJAT's diary; compiled by Maulana Zaki Baqri

Spiritual healings by Late Ayatullah Bahjat rh.
Duas from Ayatullah BEHJAT's diary;
compiled by Maulana Zaki Baqri
For acceptance of the wishes:
1.         One should be clean and with Wudu, start with the praises, pay       tribute, glorifications and  acknowledgment of His favors.
2.         Confess sins and being shameful of what has been done which is the status close to the status of Taubah repentance.
3.         Seek blessing on Mohammad and his progeny (s.s) who are the source and resource of abundance of Allah.
4.         Crying and reaching to the status of meekness.
5.         After this invocation Duas should be done with the certainty  that Allah will grant the wishes.  (if this is done in the prostration  status of Sajdah it is much better)
For seeking cure for the sick:
While seeking medical help one should use Zamzam water, and Khake Shifa, giving alms again and again even it could be nominal.
To find something/ someone that is lost:
Constant reciting:       أصْبَحْتُ في أمانِ اللهِ. أمْسَيْتُ في جِوارِ اللهِ
 (Asbahtu Fi Amanillah, Wa Amsaytu Fi Jawarillah)
Being secure with Allah(s.w.t), I started a day I shall make my night by being in His company.
For increase in sustenance:
At the beginning and at the end recite lots of Salawat on Mohammad and His Progeny (s.s) recite:
  اللَّهُمَّ اَغْنِنِی بِحَلالِکَ عَنْ حَرَامِکَ وَ بِفَضْلِکَ عَمَّنْ سِوَاکَ
(Allahumma Aghnini Bihalalika `An Haramika Wa Bi Fadhlika `Amman Siwaka)
O Allah through Your Halal (pure) things make me free from Haram (Forbidden), with Your  Bounty make myself away from other than You.
 To control anger:
With complete faith one should recite constantly Salawat:  اللھم صل علٰیٰ محمد و آل محمد
To be away from pride:
One has to recite more and more: لاَحَولَ وَلاَ قُوَّۃَ اِلاَّ بِاللہِ العَلیِّ العَظِیم
(La Hawla Wala Quwata illa Billahil Aliyil Adheem)
There is no power no strength but the Power and the Strength belongs to Allah (s.w.t))
To overcome difficulties and problems of life:
The best recitation which has been prescribed by our beloved Prophet (s.s):
لاَحَولَ وَلاَ قُوَّۃَ اِلاَّ بِاللہِ العَلیِّ العَظِیم لاَ مَلْجَأ و لاَ مَنْجَأ مِنَ اللہِ اِلاَّ اِلیَہ
(La Hawla Wala Quwata illa Billahil Aliyil Adheem, La Malja'a Wa La Manja'a Minallahi illa ilayhi)
There is no power no strength but the Power and the Strength belongs to Allah (s.w.t); no one can remove difficulties and problems but Allah (s.w.t)
To remove the malice and calamity:
Keep on reciting:
اللهم صل علی محمد و آله و اَمْسِکْ عَنَّا السُّوء
O Allah bless Mohammad and his progeny and remove malice from us.
To remove differences between husband and wife:
Whoever would likes to remove the differences should repeatedly give alms more and more to the needy; while try to resolve the differences by removing the grudges and beseech to invoke Allah (s.w.t) 
To meet the Imam (a.t.f) of our time:
Offering two Rak`at Salat with sincerity and seeking the Wasila source of our Imams peace be upon them is better than trying to meet the Imam (a.t.f) of our time.
(The day one follows Islam completely has met the Imam (a.t.f) 

Monday 1 August 2016

Munajaat (Whispered Prayer) of Imam Ali (as)-Amir-ul-Momineen

Munajaat (Whispered Prayer) of Imam Ali (as)-Amir-ul-Momineen
Also known as Munajat of Masjid-e-Kufa
O Allah, I ask You for protection on the day when property will not avail, nor sons except he who comes with a heart free (from evil) (26: 88)
allaahumma innee as-alukal amaana yawma laa yanfa-u’ maalun wa laa banoonun illaa man atallaaha biqalbin saleem

And I ask You for protection on the day when the unjust one will bite his hands saying: O would that I had taken a way with the messenger (25; 27)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma ya-a’z”z”uz’ z’aalimu a’laa yadayhi ya qoolu yaa laytanittakhad’tu ma-a’rrasooli sabeelaa

And I ask You for protection on the day when the guilty shall be recognised by their marks so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet (55; 41)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma yu’-raful mujrimoona biseemaahum fayoo-khad’u bin nawaas’ee wal aqdaam

And I ask You for protection on the day when a father shall not give any satisfaction for his son nor shall the child give any satisfaction for his father, Surely the promise of Allah is true (31; 33)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma laa yajzee waalidun a’n wlaadihee wa laa mawloodun huwa jaazin a’n inna wa’-dallaahi h’aqq

And I ask You for protection on the day when the unjust shall not benefit from their excuse and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode (40; 52)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma laa yanfa-u’z z’aalimeena ma’-d’iratuhum wa lahumul la’-natu wa lahum soo-ud daar

And I ask You for protection on the day when no soul shall control anything for (another) soul and the command on that day shall be entirely Allah's (82; 19)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma laa yamliku nafsun linafsin shay-an wal amru yawma-id’in lillaah

And I ask You for protection on the day when a man shall flee from his brother, and his mother, his father, his spouse, and his children, each one of them on that day will have a concern which will occupy him (80;34)
wa as-alukal amaana yawma yafirrul mar-u min akheehi wa ummihee wa abeehee wa s’aah’ibatihee wa baneehee likulli amree-in minhum yawma-id’in shaanun yughneehi

And I ask You for protection on the day when the guilty will wish to redeem himself from the chastisement of that day by (sacrificing) his children, and the near of kin who gave him shelter and all those that are in the earth (wising) that this might deliver him ...
wa as-alukal a-maana yawma ya-waddul mujrimu law yaftadee min a’d’aabi yawma-id’im bibaneehee wa s’aahibatihee wa akheehee wa fas’eelatil latee tooweehi wa man fil arz”l jamee-a’n thumma yunajjeehi

... by no means! Surely it is a flaming fire, dragging by the head (70; 11; 16)
kallaa innahaa laz’aa nazzaa-a’tal lish-shawaa

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Master and I am the Slave, and who else can be merciful to the slave except the Master?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal mawlaa wa anal a’bdu wa hal yarh’amul a’bda illal mawlaa

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Owner and I am the one owned by You, and who else can be merciful to the owned except the owner?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal maaliku wa anal mamlooku wa hal yarh’amul mamlooka illal maalik

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Mighty and I am the low, and who else can be merciful to the low except the Mighty?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antla a’zeezu wa anad’ d’aleelu wa hal yarh’amud’ d’aleela illal a’zeez

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Creator and I am the creature, and who else can be merciful to the creature except the Creator?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal khaaliqu wa anal makhlooqu wa anal makhlooqu wa hal yarh’amul makhlooqa illal khaaliq

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Glorious and I am the miserable, and who else can be merciful to the miserable except the Glorious?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaay antal a’zeemu wa anal h’aqeeru wa hal yarh’amul h’aqeera illal a’zeem

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Powerful and I am the weak, and who else can be merciful to the weak except the Powerful?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaay antal qawiyyu wa anal za’eefu wa hal yarh’amul za’eefa illal qawiy

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Wealthy and I am the Poor, and who else can be merciful to the poor except the Wealthy?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal ghaniyyu wa anal faqeeru wa hal yarh’amul faqeera illal ghaniyy

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Bestower and I am the beggar, and who else can be merciful to the beggar except the Bestower?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal mu’-t’ee wa anas saa-ilu wa hal yarh’amus saaila illal mu’-t’ee

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Living and I am the dead, and who else can be merciful to the dead except the Living?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal h’ayyu wa anal mayyitu wa hal yarh’amul mayyita illal h’ayy

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Eternal and I am the transient, and who else can be merciful to the transient except the Eternal?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal baaqee wa anal faanee wa hal yarh’amul faanee illal baaqee

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Permanent and I am the short-lived, and who else can be merciful to the short-lived except the Permanent?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal daa-imu wa anaz zaa-ilu wa hal yarh’amuz zaaila illad daa-im

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Provider and I am the blessed, and who else can be merciful to the blessed except the Provider?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antar raaziqu wa anal marzooqu wa anal marzooqu wa hal yarh’amul marzooqa illar raaziq

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Generous and I am the miser, and who else can be merciful to the miser except the Generous?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal ja waadu wa anal bakheelu bakheela illal jawaad

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Healer and I am the afflicted, and who else can be merciful to the afflicted except the Healer?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal mua’afee wa anal mubtalaa wa  hal yarh’amul mubtalaa illal mu-a’afee

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Great and I am the insignificant, and who else can be merciful to the insignificant except the Great?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal kabeeru wa anas’ s’agheeru wa hal yarh’amus’ s’agheera illal kabeer

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Leading and I am the straying, and who else can be merciful to the straying except the Leading?
mawlayaa yaa mawlaaya antal hadee wa anaz” z”allu wa hal yarh’amuz” z”aalla illal haadee

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Merciful and I am the one shown mercy, and who else can be merciful to the one shown mercy except the Merciful?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antar rah’maanu wa anal marh’oomu wa hal yarh’amul marh’ooma illar rah’maan

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Authority and I am the tried, and who else can be merciful to the tried except the Authority?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antas sult’aanu wa anal mumtah’anu wa hal yarh’amul mumtah’ana illas sult’aan

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Guide and I am the confused, and who else can be merciful to the confused except the Guide?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antad daleelu wa anal mutah’ayyiru wa hal mutah’ayyira ilad daleel

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Forgiver and I am the sinner, and who else can be merciful to the sinner except the Forgiver?
mawlaaya antal ghafooru wa anal mud’nibu wa hal yrh’amul mud’nibu illal ghafoor

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Victor and I am the defeated, and who else can be merciful to the defeated except the Victor?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal ghaalibu wa anal maghloobu wa hal yarh’amul maghlooba illal ghaalib

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the Nourisher and I am the nourished, and who else can be merciful to the nourished except the Nourisher?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antar rabbu wa anal marboobu wa hal yarh’amul marbooba illar rabb

My Lord, O my Lord, You are the High-handed and I am the humble, and who else can be merciful to humble the except the High-handed?
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya antal mutakabbiru wa anal khaashi-u’ wa hal yarh’amul kaashi-a’ illal mutakabbir

My Lord, O my Lord, have mercy on me by Your mercy,
mawlaaya yaa mawlaaya arh’amnee birah’matika

and be pleased with me by Your Generosity and Your Magnanimity and Your Grace,
warz”a a’nnee bijoodika wa karamika wa faz”lika

O the Generous, and Beneficent, O the Almighty and the Benefactor,
yaa d’al joodi wal ih’saani wat’t’ooli wal imtinaani

By your Mercy, O the most Merciful of the Merciful.
birah’matika yaa arh’amar raaha’imeen

A Hadith on Munajat  A Hadith of the Holy Prophet (s) says:
and when the servant ( of Allah) turns to His master in the middle of the night and does Munajat, Allah will illuminate his heart. And when he says My Lord, the Most Majestic will respond saying, Here I am O My servant, ask Me and I will give you, and rely on Me, I will be sufficient for you. then Allah turns to the angels and says: My angels! Look at my servant. He has turned to me in the middle of the night, while the idle ones are oblivious, and the heedless ones are sleeping. Bear witness that I have forgiven him.
A Note on Munajat
The word Munajat in Arabic is sometimes confused with the Urdu word munajat meaning a recital or aQasida. This Munajat is often recited in praise of the Ahlul bayt (a). However the word Munajat in Arabic means secret conversation or confidental talk. It comes from the word Najwa Allah says in the Holy Quran:
There is no secret conversation between three people except that he is the fourth of them nor (between) five but He is the sixth of them, nor less than that nor more but He is with them wheresoever they are: then He will inform them of what they did on the Day of resurrection: surely Allah is aware of all things.(58.7)
for the belivers who love Allah, the Munajat is a form of communication with their Lord which gives peace and solace to the hearts. Many Imams have Munajat which have been compiled in different books. An example is As-Saheefa as- Sajjadiyyah which has 15 whispered prayers from Imam Zaynul' Abidin(a)

Saturday 30 July 2016

Al-Sahifa Al- Kamilah Al -Sajjadiyya

The Whispered Prayer of the Repenters (Taibeen)     
The Whispered Prayer of the Repenters (Taibeen)
In the Name of Allah, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate 
1. My God, offenses have clothed me in the garment of my lowliness, separation from Thee has wrapped me in the clothing of my misery! My dreadful crimes have deadened my heart, so bring it to life by a repentance from Thee! O my hope and my aim! O my wish and my want! By Thy might, I find no one but Thee to forgive my sins and I see none but Thee to mend my brokenness! I have subjected myself to Thee in repeated turning, I have humbled myself to Thee in abasement. If Thou castest me out from Thy door, in whom shall I take shelter? If Thou repellest me from Thy side, in whom shall I seek refuge? O my grief at my ignominy and disgrace! O my sorrow at my evil works and what I have committed!
2. I ask Thee, O Forgiver of great sins, O Mender of broken bones, to overlook my ruinous misdeeds and cover my disgraceful secret thoughts! At the witnessing place of the Resurrection, empty me not of the coolness of Thy pardon and forgiveness, and strip me not of Thy beautiful forbearance and covering!
3. My God, let the cloud of Thy mercy cast its shadow upon my sins and send the billow of Thy clemency flowing over my faults!
4. My God does the runaway servant go back but to his master or does anyone grant sanctuary to him from HIS anger but HE
5. My God, if remorse for sins is a repentance, I - by Thy might - am one of the remorseful! If praying forgiveness for offenses is an alleviation, I am one of those who pray forgiveness! To Thee I return that Thou may be well pleased!
6. My God, through Thy power over me, turn toward me, through Thy clemency toward me, pardon me, and through Thy knowledge of me, be gentle toward me!
7   My God, Thou art He who hast opened a door to Thy pardon and named it 'repentance', for Thou said, Repent to God with unswerving repentance. What is the excuse of him who remains heedless of entering the door after its opening?
8   My God, though the sins of Thy servant are ugly, Thy pardon is beautiful.
9   My God, I am not the first to have disobeyed Thee, and Thou turned toward him, or to have sought to attain Thy favour, and Thou wert munificent toward him. O Responder to the distressed! O Remover of injury! O Great in goodness! O Knower of everything secret! O Beautiful through covering over! I seek Thy munificence and Thy generosity to intercede with Thee, I seek Thy side and Thy showing mercy to mediate with Thee,  so grant my supplication, disappoint not my hope in Thee, accept my repentance, and hide my offense, through Thy kindness and mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful!

Friday 29 July 2016

Sahifa Fatima's(sa) for all Affairs of Life & Hereafter

Sahifa Fatima's(sa) for  all  Affairs of Life & Hereafter

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O Allah, (please do) send blessings to Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad,

O Allah make me content with what You have decreed for me ,conceal my faults
give me good health so long as I live and forgive me and have mercy on me when I die

O Allah do not let me be involved in that which You have not decreed for me
and what You have decreed for me, make it easy, available

O Allah reward my parents and all those who have favored me the best of rewards

O Allah, free me for what You have created me and do not make me occupied in that which You have undertaken for me
do not punish me while I seek Your forgiveness and do not deprive me while I ask from You.
O Allah, make me humble  make Your status great with me

inspire me towards Your obedience and actions that please You
and avoidance of that which angers You   O most merciful

Thursday 28 July 2016

Supplication for seeking forgiveness

Al-Sahifa e Alaviya

Supplication  for seeking forgiveness

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O Allah! I ask You as all the praise belongs to You. There is no lord other than You, You are the one to bestow favours. You are the possessor of Honour and Majesty for the Heavens and the Earth. I am poor and indigent repent and seek forgiveness. O Allah send blessings on Mohammad and his progeny and forgive all my sins whether they are old or new. All those sins which I have performed. O Allah don't make my problems, difficult for me and don't give my enemies an opportunity to mock at me because there is no one other than You to ward off the difficulties and ease the hardships.

Dua'a for Memory & Speech

 Dua'a for Memory & Speech

 Whoever writes surah Bani Israil with saffron, washes it with pure water and drinks it will grow in wisdom and have fluent speech.

  To speak clearly and fluently recite surah al Jumu-ah a great deal, and to have a photographic memory learn surah al A-laa by heart.
Memory and Retention  Ayatullah ‘Ali Qadhi al-Tabataba’i would advise one to recite Ayat al-Kursi [2:255-257] and Ma’udhatayn (Surat al-Falaq and Surat al-Nas) for strengthening one’s memory
Reciting regularly Salwaat on the holy prophet & his household is also a method to improve ones memory
Take 4 or 7 almonds and pray salwat then pray "Ya Zul Jallale wal Ikraam" 11times, again salwat then and blow ( breathe on the almonds with the breath of the Zikr as you recite it ) on the almonds and eat them first thing every morning, Inshallah it will help your memory

Wednesday 27 July 2016



Transliteration: Allahumma inni as`aluka mujibati rahmatika wa `azaima magfiratika wal ganima min kulli birrin wa ssalam kulli ismin as`aluka alla tada` li zanban illa gafartahu wa lahuma illa farrajtahu wa la haja illa hiya laka ridan illa qadaitaha li

Translation: O Allah, I ask You for the means of Your mercy and forgiveness, the benefit in every good deed and safety from all sins. I ask You not to leave any sin of mine but You forgive it, or any distress but You relieve it, or any need that is pleasing to You but You fulfill it for me.